Card Advantage


“The first major step that almost any player who is serious about getting good at Magic distinguishes him- or herself with is an understanding of this concept of card advantage.”

About the article

This 2014 article from Mike Flores is a basic one, aimed at giving players simple examples of card advantage in several game contexts and helping them on fixating the concept.

Goblin Tutor Series #2

Although it’s a great time leap from our previous article, Flores’ piece seems the best to read next since it gives a lot of practical examples, and with more contemporary cards too. It will anyone in getting a good grasp of what card advantage looks like and it’s a great setup to the virtual card advantage concept that will follow. 

About the Author

Mike Flores is one of the most important authors in Magic history, since he was the editor of the classic site The Dojo.
He wrote some of the most referenced theory articles in the game’s history, and is active to this day in his weekly podcast Top Level Podcast.